New rules for frontal head restraints

If you’re going to compete in state championship or higher rallies this year, you need to know about frontal head restraints (FHR’s), also known as HANS devices. CAMS have changed the rules and they are now mandatory for all competitors in state and above events. There’s a lot of myths circulating about the subject, so…

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2014 Carringtons Traffic Services Safari Rally

The 2014 Carringtons Traffic Services Safari rally did not work out quite how anyone had planned. After a 2 ½ month break from the laste event, the Lewana Stages Rally, the final round of the outright championship and the penultimate round of the State 2wd and Clubman Series should have been a straight forward affair.…

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2014 Newmont Boddington Gold Rally review

Since mid way through last year, the whole fraternity had been drip fed information about a new event scheduled to enter the championship in 2014. Much hype surrounded the Newmont Boddington Gold Rally that ran on the June long weekend and for good reason. The event used stages made famous by Rally Australia where any…

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2014 Newmont Boddington Gold Rally – In Car

Since 2006, these famous roads haven’t been used for a rally. We were the first car to hit them for 8 years. Hold onto your seat as we take you for an in-car blast around the 6km super special stage which encompassed the famous jumps and water splash used during the days of Rally Australia.

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Rally Driving 6 laps

Have you watched car racing on tv and thought that 6 laps of rally driving would be the same length of time behind the wheel as laps of a race circuit? The real story is that a lap of rally driving is not the same as a lap on a proper race track. Most rally…

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Our team at the 2014 Forest Rally

And so it was that the long weeks and 12 hour days culminated when the team headed to Busselton and Nannup for the start of the season in early April. The Quit Forest Rally is the longest and toughest event of the year with 2 days of competition covering some 220km for state championship and…

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Introduction to Rallying

On a warm Saturday just into the start of summer, we achieved another of our goals for the year. Saturday the 7th of December 2013 marked the launch of our new rally navigator/co-driver course. Our first willing participants were keen to start rallying in 2014 and felt they needed a good base to understand how a rally…

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All Girl Rally Team at the Darling 200 Rally

Some of you may recognise these faces. If you’ve come for a Rally Driving Experience with us or been a rally competitor in WA, you may have met Karen and/or Shaniece. For the Darling 200 rally- the last event in the 2013 season, the pair teamed up to compete in one of our WRX’s. The…

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2013 Darling 200 Rally

And so it was that the final WA rally for the year would also be the decider for the 2013 Clubman Cup. Run in the forests around Jarrahdale, the warm and dusty Darling 200 rally was 80 or so km of competition that stood between the three teams that could take the Clubman honours for…

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Unpacking & installing a Monit rally computer

Monit G100 This article covers the un-packing and installation of the Monit G100, a full review of the unit and its operation will follow in a future article after it is tested at a blind rally. What’s in the box? The first thing you notice about the Monit G100 is its small sized box. When…

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