It wasn’t until I sat down a few days ago to put together a highlights reel that I realised what we’d achieved during 2015. We had a phenomenal season that spanned ten months.
Starting in February with a very dusty Motorkhana we got through this program:
Competed in all six of the State Championship rallies (due to last minute land access issues, the Boddington Rally was cancelled otherwise we’d have tackled seven.)
• Forest Rally (Busselton/Nannup)
• Donnelly Rally (Wheatley)
• Experts Cup Rally (Collie)
• Lewana Stages Rally (Balingup)
• Safari Rally (Chidlow)
• Darling 200 Rally
Ran or helped organise ten motorsport events:
• Club Motorkhana
• 4 x Khanacrosses
• Quiz Night
• Ventkhana and RallyVent (Scout Motorsport)
• Safari & Darling 200 rallies
Planted 5,000 trees at our venue, bringing the total to around 20,000 new trees in the last 4 years.
Had 14 Rally Experience Days, including our first ever postponement due to weather. In less than 24 hours during one weekend in August, 120mm of rain fell continuously turning many of our roads literally into rivers.
Restored a Mitsubishi Galant rally car and built a new Nissan Silvia rally car, plus returned Toyota Celica GT4 and WRX STi rally cars to competition. Within three of those cars, five crew were new competitors. At some rallies we had a seven car team, melding in the new with our existing fleet.
Won a dozen or so trophies including a couple of second places, a third outright co-driver in the Clubman Cup and wins in the overall Light Car Club open and Competition Championships.
It’s all very easy to put a bright shiny side on the whole year and certainly that’s how we’ll remember it, however it wasn’t all plain sailing. The awesome pictures of the sky reminded me what a spectacular venue we have and also that several times the weather intervened. Especially when we spent hours getting machinery and tractors out that were bogged in sodden ground or standing in the freezing wind and rain supervising motorsport. We were also reminded that rallying (in fact any Motorsport) can be a cruel mistress at times. There were several of our team members that didn’t finish events for various reasons and two of the team cars were written off during the season as well.
The major takeaway from the whole year has nothing to do with cars or achievements. Looking back through this montage, it is the amazing people we have in our Rally Action Driver Training team that inspires us most. Without every single person in the team we couldn’t have done it.
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