Round 4 Zestino Rally Sprints

Round 4  2019 Zestino Rally Sprints was a lot quieter than round three. We had 23 entries for the previous round and only nine for this one. We think the weather had a big influence on the numbers. Perth had an absolute shellacking with 27mm of rain falling in the three days prior to our…

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16 year old girl leads rally sprint series

Junior leads the way A few days ago we got to update the points after round three of the Zestino Tyre Rally Sprint series. To our delight we discovered a surprise leader. 16 year old Kelly Thomas is sitting at the top of the outright points table! Kelly is in her second season of rally…

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Gravel Action Sprint Round 4 – 25+km of sideways

Gravel Action Sprint Round 4 The first of October dawned cool and clear. Recent weather in Perth resembled the depths of winter rather than a day well into spring. Much of the rain that had drowned the southwest had not reached the Wheat Belt. Not good news for farmers, however it had kept our roads…

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Gravel Action Night Sprint –

Gravel Action Night Sprint – round 3 Up until the driver’s briefing at around 4pm Saturday, our gamble seemed to have paid off. Running an event in mid winter is always a risk with the weather. Whilst Perth and the southwest had received torrential rains, we’d had very little. Compact roads and no dust, perfect…

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Performance Race Gear – Gravel Action Sprint Round 1

Round 1 of our Gravel Action Sprint series ran toward the end of March. It had been a culmination of several months of work behind the scenes and physically on the ground. No longer the realm of full rally cars, new vehicle and competitor requirements opened up entries to a wider audience. Construction of a…

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What is a Rally Sprint? Get into rally without the extras.

What is a Rally Sprint? In a nutshell, a rally sprint is a mini rally without the extras. A leaner, meaner, version that has been on the treadmill and shed a few kilos. Generally a rally sprint will be comprised of one or two stages of limited distance, say 4 – 10km. There are usually…

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