Daihatsu Applause rally car build part 3

Snatched from the jaws of the crusher post 3. Rear Brakes Now the suspension was sorted, the rear brake fittings could be completed. First task was to remove the obsolete factory cable handbrake and blank off the cable openings in the tunnel. A new hydraulic handbrake meant making up and welding in a mounting bracket as…
Daihatsu Applause rally car build part 2

Saved from the crusher post 2. Our attention then turned to the interior of the car. We set about completing some minor seam welding around the rear towers, tidying a few areas and removing the factory seat mount brackets. The owner wanted different race seats from those already in the car so we also added some…
Daihatsu Applause rally car build part 1

Rescued from the jaws of the crusher post 1. This story started with a casual chat at our end of year car club presentation in November 2015. As with any motorsport function, the conversation got around to cars and particularly what may be available to use for the Clubman Cup. At that time there weren’t…